Technical Services

Having worked in the technology business for 30 years I have seen it all! Most people have their own definition of what IT is, it can be anything from PC Help Desk to Developing Applications. At Fortify IT we spent the last year looking over our business to see what really helps our clients and what is really just a financial burden.
What we found was that Managed Service Model worked effectively for around 50% of our clients. The clients that were thriving and growing need more than help desk, server support.... They needed someone to not only help them manage their technology but to be able to provide a much larger range of Technology Services. With this information I created a company that focuses on using Technology to help our clients in not only supporting their technology but also in using to technology to grow their business.
What we found is that for what most companies were paying in Managed Services a month we could offer our IT support and Services and for only a little bit more offer our clients other technology services which can help grow their revenue.