Have an Outdated IT Support?

The 21st century has been in full swing for a while, but, unfortunately IT companies are stuck in the past. While some people might think their company is doing a good job, it could be hurting your business more than you think.

So how do you know if your IT company is holding you back? Well, we’ve compiled a list of a few of the top signs that your company has outlived their services.

If you can relate to any of the following issues, it might be time to re-evaluate IT company.

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Managed Services vs Hourly: How to Choose Between Them

Voice Over IP (VoIP) telephones are popular options for modern businesses, and they can offer huge advantages.

For example, in one survey, businesses who had access to modern phone system features (such as with a Unified Communications solution) reported a 49% increase in productivity.

But buying a VoIP phone system can be challenging.

One critical decision that must be made is determining which is better for your business:

  • A premises-based solution (in which the hardware is kept on-site in your server closet),
  • Or a cloud phone system (where your phones connect through your Internet connection to a provider that maintains the equipment at an off-site “cloud” data center)

Educating yourself on the benefits and potential challenges that come with using either a premises-based or cloud phone system can help you make a good decision to ensure your business needs are met and you get the greatest value for your investment.

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